Sourcebooks Publishing is growing because it has learned one simple but very important principle: treat your employees like entrepreneurs and be open to their ideas and input.

In other words, treat them like respected partners and be transparent!

Ann Meyer reports this in the Chicago Tribune:

Book Publishing Firm Finds New Sources of Growth

As the book publishing industry undergoes a transformation, at Naperville-based Sourcebooks Inc., Dominique Raccah (pictured above) is embracing the change with a confidence grounded in creativity.

By fostering an entrepreneurial workplace even as her company has become one of the largest independent book publishers in the nation, Raccah sees a bright future.

"We are pioneers in the most old-fashioned way. We are at the beginning again," said Raccah, founder, publisher and chief executive of Sourcebooks.

Sourcebooks was the second publisher in the United States to obtain an Apple developer license, Raccah said. Launched in February 2009, its $4.99 Most Baby Names app has become a top seller, drawn from the company's popular book, "The Complete Book of Baby Names."

Sourcebooks has 54 apps in development and is expanding its line of digital and mixed-media books to deliver content in whatever form the customer prefers.

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